S continuing to elongate into fruiting, with peduncle of previous season up to 15 cm observed on exact same plant, ca. 3-costate, densely subappressed-villous particularly above, using a dense sericeous collar of trichomes subtending involucre. Peduncle sheaths 250 mm, considerably surpassing the leaves, and strongly surpassing the leaf mat, scarious, quite lax, almost glabrous except for theThe Andean Paepalanthus PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20108356 pilosus complicated (Eriocaulaceae): a revision with 3 new taxaFigure 9. Paepalanthus huancabambensis (Sag tegui 16799). A Habit B Capitulum, anthesis C Staminate flower, anthesis D-I Pistillate flower D Whole flower E Petal, adaxial F Petal, abaxial G Gynoecium, juvenile H Sepal, anthesis I Gynoecium and a single petal, young fruit.tufted apex, the lamina cucullate, enclosing the bud when young and then splitting broadly into two or three triangular segments. Capitula 4 mm, depressed-hemispheric. Involucres subequaling flowers at anthesis, and opening broadly at maturity; involucral bracts 2-seriate, the outer bracts triangular-ovate, greenish to uniformly dark brown, shaggy-ciliate on margins and villous in two submedial bands. FloralNancy Hensold / PhytoKeys 64: 17 (2016)trichomes obtuse to clavate, strongly tuberculate. Flowers ca. 204 per capitulum, the pistillate flowers peripheral, the staminate central, with 148 pistillate flowers to 6 staminate flowers (in two capitula sampled). Receptacle sparingly long-pilose with brownish hairs. Receptacular bracts subequaling flowers, linear-subspatulate, the apex slightly cucullate, pubescent as sepals, the base sharply carinate. Pistillate flowers: Pedicels 0.3.45 mm lengthy, fine and membranous. Sepals broadly obovate-spatulate to subtruncate at apex, sometimes weakly cymbiform, 1.55.65 mm long 0.650.8 mm wide at middle, 0.15.2 mm wide at base, blackish-brown, short-ciliate (apical cilia to 0.17 mm) along upper margin, and appressed-long-pilose in two bands flanking the upper dorsum, the basal half in the midrib hygroscopically thickened, spadiceous-brown in fruit, and recurving when dry, the broad upper half of your sepal remaining chartaceous, erect; sepals detaching from fruit on dispersal. Petals spatulate, obtuse, brownish at tip, 1.25.35 mm long, the widest inside a flower ca. 0.65 mm wide, ca. two.2 times longer than wide, bearing scale-like staminodes at base, densely long-pilose with long tuberculate hairs on abaxial upper half except for midvein, also tufted subapically inside, the hairs enfolding the style branch, petals not thickening in fruit, dispersed with fruit. Gynoecium with style base 0.35 mm extended; nectaries ca. 0.7 mm extended, dark red-brown, penicillate to subclavate-infundibular, with fringe of SH5-07 colorless stiff-walled papillae at mouth, these rigidulous and keeping shape just after anthesis; style branches 0.85 mm lengthy, thick and dark red-brown, non-involute. Only two slightly misshapen seeds noticed, 0.six.63 mm long, pinkish to red-brown, the pseudotrichomes weak. Staminate flowers: Pedicels 0.35.4 mm, membranous, almost glabrous. Sepals 1.six.7 mm 0.five.six mm, spatulate to obrhombic or subtruncate, colour and pubescence as in the female flowers, narrowed toward base and shallowly fused. Corolla 1.8 mm long; the anthophore 1.15 mm long, comprising ca. 65 the length with the corolla, grading from 0.15 mm wide at base to 0.35 mm wide at apex; the tube 0.65 mm extended including well-defined brownish-tinged lobes. Filaments brownish-tinged above; exsert not far more than 0.three mm beyond lobe tips, anthers persisten.