0.25 M was 1.5 fold, 0.5 M was 2.5 fold, and 0.75 M was 2.7 fold, higher when compared to NTUH-K2044DcpxAR regardless of the inoculum size . Involvement of cpxAR in oxidative stress tolerance To deduce whether cpxAR is a peroxide sensor and transcription regulator, we performed the hydrogen peroxide challenge assay. Disc diffusion assay showed that the cpxAR mutant had 1.2 fold greater sensitivity to 30% H2O2 than the wild-type , thereby demonstrating that the response of K. pneumoniae cpxAR mutant is conserved in oxidative stress. Association of cpxAR in antibiotic resistance in K. pneumoniae To evaluate the role of cpxAR, antibiotic susceptibilities of NTUH-K2044 and NTUH-K2044D cpxAR was monitored. The results of disc diffusion assay displayed that upon deleting the cell envelope response system the bacterial cells significantly displayed sensitivity to b-lactam group of antibiotics and chloramphenicol. The precise minimum inhibitory concentration was further evaluated by following the guidelines of CLSI by E-test. The MIC for K. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044 for the different antibiotics was cefepime, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, cefotaxime, and chloramphenicol respectively. The MIC for K. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044DcpxAR for the same line of drugs were cefepime 5 CpxAR Confers b-Lactam Resistance 6 CpxAR Confers b-Lactam Resistance , ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, cefotaxime, and chloramphenicol respectively. CpxR binds to the promoter region of OmpCKP in K. pneumoniae The classical porins OmpF and OmpC are major constituents of the E. coli outer membrane and account for approximately 2% of the total protein content of the cell. These proteins allow for the passive diffusion of solutes across the outer membrane. Many environmental factors have been identified that alter OmpF and OmpC expression, including osmolarity, GW 5074 web temperature, pH, nutrient availability, and various toxins. The binding site of the RR CpxR in the upstream regulatory region of its target genes has been identified before in E. coli and in S. sonnei. According to these reports, CpxR has a conserved recognition site that contains the sequence GTAAA. A previous study indicated that strong CpxR regulation in E. coli can be correlated with the presence of this motif within 100 bp in the 59 direction from the transcriptional start site. The DNA binding feature of CpxR prompted us to analyse the promoter regions 15950465” of outer membrane proteins for the existence of putative CpxR binding sites. Interestingly analysis revealed the presence of a conserved putative CpxR binding site spanning region between 34 to 50 bp from the first methionine of OmpCKP. The OmpCKP is found in the genome of K. pneumoniae KP1_3869, a 1098 bp gene that encodes a polypeptide of 365aa. To define the possible interaction of CpxRKP to the promoter of OmpCKP, we tested whether CpxRKP directly interacts with its promoter region. For that we first cloned and expressed the cpxR gene. ” The cpxR gene from K. pneumoniae was PCR amplified, cloned into pET-28c and after transformation in E. coli strain BL21, expression of the His-tagged protein was monitored following IPTG induction. Cell lysates following purification on a Ni-NTA column, where resolved by SDS/PAGE yielded an expected induced band of,24 kDa. Thereafter, gel shift assays were performed using the 32P-labeled ompCKP promoter fragment and CpxR. The protein-DNA complexes after incubation in reaction buffer were resolved on 5% PAGE gel and analysis revealed a clear retardat

By mPEGS 1