nst numerous extracellular pathogens. Finally, the impact of JNK1 on viral clearance and pathogenesis is intriguing and remains to be elucidated. Since JNK1 modulates some of the functional effects of IL-17A, it is likely that JNK1 is required for host defense in a number of TH17 mediated diseases. These data identify the JNK1 pathway as an important target in understanding lung immunity. Targeting JNK1 may provide a novel therapeutic approach for treating pneumonia. Materials and Methods Animals Heterozygous JNK1 /2 mice on a N5 generation C57BL/6 background were purchased from Jackson Laboratories and were maintained as a breeding colony under pathogen free conditions. All experiments were conducted with age and sex matched JNK1 2/2 and wild-type littermate controls. All animal studies were approved by the University of Pittsburgh Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, protocol 0903113. 9 JNK1 and Host Defense Bacterial Infection Models JNK1 2/2 and WT mice were inoculated with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus by oropharyngeal aspiration in 50 ml of sterile PBS. Bacteria were grown for 18 hours to stationary phase prior to inoculation. Twenty-four hours following infection, mice were lavaged with 1 ml sterile PBS for differential cell counts by cytospin. The right lung was then homogenized in 1 ml sterile PBS for bacterial colony counting, cytokine analysis by multiplex assay or by ELISA for IL-23p19, and real-time PCR for gene expression. The left lung was 15256538” fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for histologic processing and H&E staining. Lung parenchymal and peribronchial inflammation were scored on double-blinded sections using a 0, least inflamed to 3, most inflamed. Each slide was scored twice and data reflect the cumulative inflammation score. JNK1 Kinase Assay JNK1 activity in protein homogenates from MTEC was order 153-18-4 determined as previously described. Briefly, JNK1 was immunoprecipitated from homogenates using anti-JNK1 antibody. JNK1 was then incubated with P32ATP and a GST-c-Jun substrate for 30 minutes at 30uC. Phosphorylation of GST-c-Jun was then visualized by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography imaging. Exogenous IL-17A Models Adenovirus expressing IL-17A was generated as previously described . WT and JNK1 2/2 mice were instilled with 56108 pfu of adenovirus expressing IL-17A by oropharyngeal aspiration. Mice were then incubated for 3 days prior to harvest. Mouse lungs were lavaged and processed as described above. Additionally, WT and JNK1 2/2 mice were instilled with 1 mg of recombinant mouse IL-17A for 24 hours prior to similar lung processing. Influenza A Infection Model JNK1 2/2 and WT mice were inoculated with Influenza A PR/8/34 H1N1 virus. Infected mice were then maintained for 7 days prior to harvest. Mouse lungs were lavaged and processed as detailed above. Viral burden was determined by viral plaque assay as previously described or by RT-PCR for viral matrix protein expression. T cell recruitment to the lung following Influenza A infection was determined by flow cytometry. Briefly, whole mouse lungs were digested with collagenase followed by mechanical separation. Lung cells were then 15363972” stained with fluorescent conjugated antibodies to the surface markers CD4, CD8, cdTCR, and CD49b. Statistics Data were analyzed by unpaired two-tailed t-test or by one-way ANOVA where appropriate. For multiple comparisons, following ANOVA, data were compared by Tukey test. Analyses with a resultant p,0.05 were determined signific

By mPEGS 1