duction. By 4 weeks of induction, hES-like colonies with low retention of Hoechst dye characteristic of undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells were detected expressing both eGFP and TRA-1-60. Antibody mediated infection of a preformed colony in the absence of mechanical or enzymatic disruption occurs in a localized patch within the colony, visible by intense GFP staining. LOXO 101 web Tra-1-60 live staining of the colony using DyLightTM 488 conjugated antibodies indicate a low-level of green labeling of the colony overlapping the GFP cells. Dual labeling of eGFP and TRA-1-60 was not observed in cells lacking hES-like morphologies. At 30 days post-induction, colonies were passaged onto puromycin resistance MEF feeder cells and selected by puromycin. After one week of puromycin selection, PuroR iPS colonies were observed which were also enriched for eGFP expression. PuroR iPS colonies were characterized for their stem cell qualities using multiple assays. Initially, individual GFP colonies were analyzed for expression of endogenous pluripotent stem cell markers including TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, SSEA3, SSEA4 and CD24 by immunofluorescence staining and revealed uniform coexpression. Cells were also positive for alkaline phosphatase. Negative control of a-mouse IgG PE conjugated secondary antibody is shown; identical results with a-mouse and a-rat IgM Alexa Fluor 594 secondary Abs were obtained. Additional studies analyzed the mRNA levels of endogenous pluripotent makers including Oct4, Nanog, Sox2, ABCG2, DNMT3B, Rex1, and hTERT in five independent iPS cell lines of African American descent selected by the CD24-antibody complexed to m 168 pseudotyped lentiviral particles and puromycin selection. Expression at levels similar to hES H9 embryonic stem cells was detected in the five iPS cells lines. These products were not expressed in the parental primary fibroblasts used to generate the iPS cells. A lower level of hTERT was observed in three of the lines and telomerase activity was therefore directly measured in these cell lines using the Telomerase Repeat Amplification Protocol assay. iPS G1 with high level of hTERT expression was included as a control for comparison 4 Targeted Gene Delivery to Human ES and iPS Cells between the PCR and activity assays. High levels of telomerase activity, as judged by the presence “8666030 of the telomerase repeat products of increasing size was observed in the iPS G1, G2, G3, and G6 cell lines at levels equal or greater than that observed in the hES H9 cells. No telomerase products were detected in the fibroblast control cells. The iPS cell lines were also examined for their ability to differentiate into embyroid bodies and express markers for the three cell lineages. The expression of markers for the endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm using RT-PCR was compared in embryoid bodies formed from the five iPS cell lines as well as from hES H9 cells. Markers for all three lineages were detected in the EB, which were not present in the undifferentiated H9 cells. We conclude that anti-CD24 antibody mediated selective transduction is effective tool for labeling, selecting and isolating cells with iPS characteristics during reprogramming of fibroblasts. 5 Targeted Gene ” Delivery to Human ES and iPS Cells tiated to express cytokeratin 7. In contrast, Ab-targeting through the CD24 or SSEA4 markers with TK virus followed by ganciclovir ablation, resulted in 30% and 27% of the cells, respectively, cytokeratin 7 positive. Further analysis of the

By mPEGS 1