of apo MtSK and MtSK in complex with S3P and ADP were reconstructed using Modeller and a total of 100 models were generated. The pose of SKH was based on that of S3P present in the crystal. Each model of the 100 complex models was minimized using the conjugate gradient algorithm in Gromacs. The polar and non-polar solvent accessible surface areas were calculated using an analytical method based on Voronoi surfaces. To account for the dynamic nature of protein structures, ASA values were calculated for each individual complex and their average values used in the analysis. Results and Discussion Recombinant MtSK Protein Purification Recombinant MtSK was purified to homogeneity using a threestep protein purification protocol comprising a crude extract precipitation, a hydrophobic chromatographic step followed by a gel filtration column . The protein precipitation of the crude extract with MgCl2 at a final concentration of 10 mM was efficient at precipitating MtSK whereas a number of contaminants remained in the supernatant. It has been pointed out that direct ion-macromolecule interactions as well as interactions with water MedChemExpress PG 490 molecules in the first hydration shell of macromolecules appear to play a central role to Hofmeister effects. The Hofmeister series ranks the relative influence of ions on the physical behavior of a wide variety of aqueous processes ranging from colloidal assembly to protein folding. Usually, the specific ion effects of the Hofmeister series are more pronounced for anions than for cations. The Cl- anion is situated in the borderline between kosmotropes and chaotropes species. The Mg2+ ion has chaotropic effect. It is thus somewhat puzzling the salting-out effect of 10 9682837 mM MgCl2 on MtSK. However, it has recently been pointed out that the transport number of Mg2+ cation is higher than that for the other common biological cations, and the solvent exchange rate is over 3 orders of magnitude less than that for other common cations. It would thus imply that Mg2+ cation would have a significant but largely unstudied effect on ordering of solvent and molecules in solution. Notwithstanding, it is not warranted to advance any definite explanation as regards the MgCl2 salting-out effect on MtSK. This protein precipitation step was followed by two chromatographic steps, namely, a hydrophobic followed by a sizeexclusion column, yielding approximately 20 mg of functional homogenous MtSK per 1.5 L of cell culture. The homogeneous recombinant MtSK was stored in 85% 2SO4 at 4uC with no loss of activity. Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Analysis A value of 18,451 Da for the subunit molecular mass of recombinant MtSK protein was determined by ESI-MS. This result is consistent with post-translational removal of N-terminal methionine residue from the full-length gene product. The ESI-MS result also revealed no peak at the expected mass of both aroK-encoded Shikimate Kinase I and aroL-encoded Shikimate Kinase 7751958 II from E. coli SK, thus providing support for the identity of purified recombinant protein. N-terminal Amino Acid Sequencing The first 8 N-terminal amino acid residues of recombinant MtSK were identified as APKAVLGL by the Edman degradation sequencing method. This result unambiguously identifies the purified protein as MtSK, since the N-terminal amino acid sequence of aroK-encoded Shikimate Kinase I and aroL-encoded Shikimate Kinase II from E. coli are, respectively, MAEKRNIFLV and MTQPLFLIGP. The Edman degradation result also

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