er of the pre-hairpin intermediate, and thus both the Fabs and the N36Mut peptide must also target this state. In addition, the N36Mut peptide could also potentially act at subsequent stages in the fusion process in which the six-helix bundle is either partially formed or fully formed but before irreversible membrane fusion actually takes place. The observation that our series of neutralizing Fabs can also bind to the six-helix bundle suggest that the neutralizing Fabs can target six-helix bundle conformations prior to actual fusion in addition to the prehairpin intermediate, and that the ability to target a continuum of states from the pre-hairpin intermediate to the six-helix bundle prolongs the time window over which these Fabs can inhibit fusion, thereby increasing their potency and neutralization properties. Materials and Methods E. coli plasmid constructs Previously reported plasmid constructs used in this study are the six-helix bundle constructs 6-helix and coreS, and the pre-hairpin mimetics 5-helix, and N35CCG-N13. Constructs used for the first time are the ScFvs Sc66, Sc62, Sc66I53L, Sc66T56F, Sc66T57A, Sc66N58V, and the six-helix bundle construct coreSP. The strategy for linking the light and heavy variable regions as a single chain to generate Sc66 from Fab8066 is shown in Fig. 2A and its amino acid sequence in Antibody Binding to gp41 Protein purification and folding E. coli BL21 bearing the appropriate plasmid vector were grown in Luria-Bertani medium and induced for expression at an A600,0.7 for 4 hrs. All of the expressed proteins used in this study accumulated in the insoluble fraction. After isolating the insoluble fraction, the various gp41 constructs were further PubMed ID: purified on size-exclusion Superdex-200 or 75 columns under denaturing conditions. They were finally subjected to reverse-phase HPLC using a water/TFA and acetonitrile/TFA gradient. The desired amount of protein was dialyzed against 50 mM sodium formate, pH 3, concentrated and stored. When needed, an aliquot of the protein was diluted in 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, 150 mM NaCl, dialyzed against the same buffer and concentrated. CoreSP was derived from a construct comprising the N-HR and C-HR of gp41 separated by a spacer SGLVPRGSGG. Thrombin cleavage was carried out resulting in the separation of the N-HR and C-HR regions prior to purification. These peptides were assembled by dialysis from 6 M guanidine hydrochloride into 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, 150 mM NaCl to form a sixhelix bundle complex but without a spacer connecting the N-HR and C-HR regions as in coreS, and fractionated as a complex on a Superdex-75 column in buffer A. The pre-hairpin intermediate mimetic N35CCG-N13 trimer was prepared as described. ESIMS of N35CCG-N13 showed a trimer mass of 22634 Da close to the calculated value of 22638 Da. SB 1317 manufacturer Experiments with N35CCG-N13 were carried out in 50 mM sodium acetate, pH 5.2 because of its insolubility above this pH. ScFvs were folded using previously described protocols. Upon folding from denaturing conditions, Sc66 exhibited nearly complete disulfide bridge formation. The ScFvs were finally subjected to size-exclusion chromatography on Superdex-75 in buffer A. The concentrated ScFvs are stable upon storage for several months at 4uC, and retain their monomeric status, binding affinity as determined by ITC, and neutralization activity. All of the purified and folded ScFvs used for various characterizations are shown in Fig. S1C in File S1. By SEC-MALS Sc66 wa

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