le through these strands. Finally, although mature leaves are unlikely to be a direct source of free IAA, there is evidence that IAA exported in the phloem from mature leaves can enter the PAT pathway . The anastomosing network of PXP linking leaves of different ages via the interior of the stem, as well as the radial network linking PXP to the cambium and secondary tissues, must now be also considered as a potential pathway. PtaDR5 lines suggest a role for basipetal IAA canalization in both primary and secondary xylem development Auxin Transport during Woody Stem Development directed basipetal and/or lateral transport maintains the boundaries of this zone. Finally, recent work on the role of brassinosteroids and auxin transport in GS1101 vascular development has identified similar ‘auxin maxima’ associated with developing vascular bundles in the Arabidopsis inflorescence axis, but the authors do not distinguish between developing xylem elements and parenchyma. In fact, their images show DR5-driven expression in Arabidopsis axes with similar localization to that shown here, with signal in distinct clusters of parenchyma adjacent to expanding vessel elements, as well as the opposing procambium. In order to interpret the patterns of auxin response and transport in woody stem development shown here it is important to make a distinction between the role of PAT in procambium initiation versus its role in xylem differentiation. Molecular studies linking PAT to vascular differentiation have focused on the origin of procambium in leaves 18339876 and show beautifully how the PIN 11881984 efflux carriers are localized to channel auxin through narrow files of cells, thereby establishing the basic layout of procambium and hence leaf venation. In contrast, the focus of classical work has been on PAT and xylem differentiation, in part because experimental manipulations involved wounding and the subsequent regeneration of xylem directly from parenchyma, but also because the thick cell walls of xylem elements made them easy to visualize. More recently a picture has emerged from studies of root vascular development linking the two processes in which cytokinins, delivered to the procambium by the phloem, indirectly promotes PIN localization to the lateral membranes of procambial cells such that a bisymmetric pattern of auxin maxima forms and leads to protoxylem specification. These findings are exciting in light of two key observations from classical development studies: in the shoot apex, both procambium and phloem differentiate acropetally and in continuity with strands below, while xylem differentiation is discontinuous, can proceed both acropetally and basipetally, and always lags behind phloem differentiation. It is possible that phloem-derived signals play a role in shaping this ring of auxinresponding tissue as well. Further down the stem, xylem differentiation begins adjacent to existing vasculature and proceeds acropetally. It is tempting to speculate that the appearance of protoxylem differentiating within this ring of undifferentiated tissue showing GUS expression, but where PXP is lacking, represents this acropetal xylem differentiation. Detailed anatomical studies with better spatial resolution of the auxin response are needed for a more complete understanding of this process. A fully unified vascular cambium with clear radial files of initials and derivatives appears between the fifth and seventh internode beneath the apex. Here GUS expression is more sharply delin

By mPEGS 1