on in vitro To date, the genes studied over the course of cellular transformation have been limited to a small number of genes encoding transcription factors, cell-cycle regulators, oncogene products, and tumor suppressors. However, it is not obvious at which stage these factors act or how they play a causal role in advancing transformation. To obtain a comprehensive picture of changes in gene expression related to phenotypic alterations, we took representative samples at four stages during the progression of transformation. The expression profile from the Stage IV sample was more similar to that of a Stage III sample than to that of the Stage II sample, U3-B. This 9 / 23 Alteration in Gene Expression on Transformation Fig 3. Alterations in expression of 1,732 selected genes. Heat-map representation of expression of LY341495 PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19783706 1,732 genes from samples U3-B, U3-C, and U3-DT compared with expression level in U3-A. Relative expression values from U3-A,-B,-C, and-DT are listed in S2 10 / 23 Alteration in Gene Expression on Transformation observation suggests that important alterations in gene expression occur between Stages II and III. Furthermore, to distinguish the genes that are important in the progression of phenotypic alterations from apparently random alterations, we filtered the 8,032 genes whose expression levels changed significantly and yield a subset of 1,570 genes by the IPA analysis. The 1,732 genes were selected as described in Materials and Methods and were classified into 12 groups on the basis of pathways and cellular function. REVs in each group are indicated relative to the control sample U3-A, which was derived from UE6E7T-3 and exhibits a normal karyotype, typical fibroblastic morphology, and contact inhibition. Experimental results are also enumerated in S2 Oncogene and tumor suppressor gene expression Genetic alterations commonly occurring in human tumors are often found in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Alterations in the expression of such genes occurred in UE6E7T-3, and expression levels were markedly dependent on culture stage. For example, oncogenes, BMI1 and MYC, had low level expression at the early stage, but were strikingly enhanced after Stage III. A similar pattern was also exhibited by other oncogenes. Tumor suppressor gene expression displayed an even more marked dependence on culture stage. Expression levels of SFN, DBC1, RASSF2, DIRAS3, RASA4, and HIC1 were high at Stage II, but then rapidly decreased. The marked decrease in DBC1 expression at Stages III and IV is in agreement with previous observations. Although expression of PRDM2, PYHIN1, RBBP4, and RB1CC1 were increased at Stages III and IV, relative expression levels of both TP53 and RB1 in U3-C and U3-DT were similar to those in U3-A, as were those of genes such as PTEN. DNA repair and chromosomal instability When normal repair processes fail but apoptosis does not occur, irreparable DNA damage may occur during mitotic recombination events. This damage can take several forms, including double-strand breaks and DNA cross-linkages. In UE6E7T-3, the DNA repair processes appear to be constantly active at all stages, particularly at Stages III and IV, as evidenced by expression of genes encoding many kinds of DNA polymerases, excision repair enzymes, nucleases, and checkpoint mediator proteins . A number of genes required for stepwise karyotypic alteration were also PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19786154 up-regulated during culture, as were genes associated with DNA repair, particularly at Sta

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