Thesis. The PCR reaction mix contained 2 ml cDNA or plasmid, 2 ml 10X PCR buffer, 0.5 ml of 20 mM forward primer, 0.5 ml of 20 mM reverse primer, 0.5 ml of 10 mM dNTPs, 0.5 ml of 5 U/ml Taq polymerase and 14 ml of RNase free water (20 ml in total). PCR was performed at 94uC for 5 min, CASIN site followed by 35 cycles at 94uC for 0.5 min, 55,58uC according to different primer pairs for 0.5 min and 72uC for 1 min. A final elongation step was performed at 72uC for 7 min.The sensitivity of the microarray was evaluated using the leaf of a Humulus lupulus sample infected with Hop stunt viroid (HSVd). The concentration of the total RNA was determined using a UV spectrophotometer as 200 ng/ml. The RNA was serially diluted 100, 101, 102 and 103 times, and used in the RT-PCR and microarray hybridization. The hybridization results of the three dilutions were compared to determine the microarray detection sensitivity. The microarray data were submitted to the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database with the platform accession number of GPL16684 and series accession number of GSE44334.Virus IdentificationViroid genus and species were identified using the novel microarray using a revised protocol of that previously described [54]. Positive probes were selected as those with a feature signal MedChemExpress CASIN intensity more than three times that of the background intensity, and a feature intensity minus background intensity greater than 1500. The signal strength of a genus is the sum of signal intensities of all the positive probes in this genus. The signal strength was converted to relative signal strength by dividing by the maximum signal strength of all the genera. The relative signal strength is represented as a percentage, for example, 1 or 100 , and used to rank genera. The viroid genus with the highest relative signal strength is predicted as the major viroid genus infecting the plant. The relative signal strength of a species is calculated using the same principle as the genus calculation; dividing the sum of the signal intensities of all the positive probes in a species by the maximum sum of the signal intensities of positive probes of all the species. The viroid species with the highest relative signal strength is predicted as the major species infecting the plant.Microarray Fluorescence Labeling and HybridizationFluorescence labeling reactions were performed with a volume of 25 ml. 5 ml of PCR product was mixed with 2 ml of 20 mM nonamer random primers and 12 ml of RNase free water, denatured at 95uC for 3 min and then quickly chilled on ice for 5 min. Then, it was mixed with 2.5 ml of 10X Klenow fragment buffer, 2 ml of 10 mM dNTPs, 0.5 ml of 25 nM cy3-dCTP and 1 ml of 5 U/ml Klenow fragment. The tubes were incubated at 37uC for 1.5 h and 70uC for 5 min. The fluorescence labeling product hybridization, microarray wash, image acquisition and signal analyses were performed as described previously [54].Screening Field SamplesTo assess the performance of the microarray when screening field samples, several plants showing disease symptoms were collected. A tomato sample and a chrysanthemum sample were collected from Beijing, China. A citrus sample was obtained fromMicroarray Detection of ViroidsTable 3. PCR primers used to verify the standard viroid samples.Viroid Avsunviroidae Avsunviroid ASBVdPrimers ASBVd f ASBVd rSequence (59?9) AGTTCACTCGTCTTCAATCTC CTGAAGAGACGAAGTGATCAA GGCACCTGATGTCGGTGT GACCTCTTGGGGGTTTCAAAC CCAGGTAACGCCGTAGAAACTG ATCACACCCTCCTCGGAACCAA CCGGATCCGGTA.Thesis. The PCR reaction mix contained 2 ml cDNA or plasmid, 2 ml 10X PCR buffer, 0.5 ml of 20 mM forward primer, 0.5 ml of 20 mM reverse primer, 0.5 ml of 10 mM dNTPs, 0.5 ml of 5 U/ml Taq polymerase and 14 ml of RNase free water (20 ml in total). PCR was performed at 94uC for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles at 94uC for 0.5 min, 55,58uC according to different primer pairs for 0.5 min and 72uC for 1 min. A final elongation step was performed at 72uC for 7 min.The sensitivity of the microarray was evaluated using the leaf of a Humulus lupulus sample infected with Hop stunt viroid (HSVd). The concentration of the total RNA was determined using a UV spectrophotometer as 200 ng/ml. The RNA was serially diluted 100, 101, 102 and 103 times, and used in the RT-PCR and microarray hybridization. The hybridization results of the three dilutions were compared to determine the microarray detection sensitivity. The microarray data were submitted to the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database with the platform accession number of GPL16684 and series accession number of GSE44334.Virus IdentificationViroid genus and species were identified using the novel microarray using a revised protocol of that previously described [54]. Positive probes were selected as those with a feature signal intensity more than three times that of the background intensity, and a feature intensity minus background intensity greater than 1500. The signal strength of a genus is the sum of signal intensities of all the positive probes in this genus. The signal strength was converted to relative signal strength by dividing by the maximum signal strength of all the genera. The relative signal strength is represented as a percentage, for example, 1 or 100 , and used to rank genera. The viroid genus with the highest relative signal strength is predicted as the major viroid genus infecting the plant. The relative signal strength of a species is calculated using the same principle as the genus calculation; dividing the sum of the signal intensities of all the positive probes in a species by the maximum sum of the signal intensities of positive probes of all the species. The viroid species with the highest relative signal strength is predicted as the major species infecting the plant.Microarray Fluorescence Labeling and HybridizationFluorescence labeling reactions were performed with a volume of 25 ml. 5 ml of PCR product was mixed with 2 ml of 20 mM nonamer random primers and 12 ml of RNase free water, denatured at 95uC for 3 min and then quickly chilled on ice for 5 min. Then, it was mixed with 2.5 ml of 10X Klenow fragment buffer, 2 ml of 10 mM dNTPs, 0.5 ml of 25 nM cy3-dCTP and 1 ml of 5 U/ml Klenow fragment. The tubes were incubated at 37uC for 1.5 h and 70uC for 5 min. The fluorescence labeling product hybridization, microarray wash, image acquisition and signal analyses were performed as described previously [54].Screening Field SamplesTo assess the performance of the microarray when screening field samples, several plants showing disease symptoms were collected. A tomato sample and a chrysanthemum sample were collected from Beijing, China. A citrus sample was obtained fromMicroarray Detection of ViroidsTable 3. PCR primers used to verify the standard viroid samples.Viroid Avsunviroidae Avsunviroid ASBVdPrimers ASBVd f ASBVd rSequence (59?9) AGTTCACTCGTCTTCAATCTC CTGAAGAGACGAAGTGATCAA GGCACCTGATGTCGGTGT GACCTCTTGGGGGTTTCAAAC CCAGGTAACGCCGTAGAAACTG ATCACACCCTCCTCGGAACCAA CCGGATCCGGTA.

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