N in (f). These maps were created by using the Generic Mapping Tools software (https://www.soest.hawaii.edu/gmt/), Version 4.5.8 59, and GPlates software30,31 (http://www.gplates.org), Version 1.2.0.(REY + Ce = 400?,000 ppm) near the seafloor surface2 and the zones of greatest economic interest regarding ferromanganese crusts and nodules, including the central Pacific prime crust zone and Clarion lipperton Zone, respectively33. This finding supports the interpretation of IC1 as having enrichment in both biogenic Ca-phosphate and the hydrogenous component. Moreover, these high-IC1 areas overlap regions where O2 penetration may occur throughout the sediment column34. This implies that a sustained condition of higher redox potential might prevent diagenetic processes that release and remigrate Ce through decomposition of hydrogenous Mn oxides to maintain the intense IC1 signal throughout geologic time. The strongest IC4 intensities, 9?0, were NecrosulfonamideMedChemExpress Necrosulfonamide observed at DSDP Sites 597 and 74 in the eastern South Pacific (Fig. 3c). The deeper portion of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 800 and 801 in the western North Pacific at present also showed high IC4 scores of 5?, which plotted in the central North Pacific according to plate motion. When moderate values of 1? were included, IC4 effectively mimicked the distribution of REY-rich mud near the seafloor surface2 despite the fact that Fig. 3c is a synthetic image of different time slices during the Cenozoic. This suggests that the spatial distribution of the REY-controlling factor shown as IC4 did not change significantly throughout the Cenozoic. IC7 indicates the influence of the DoravirineMedChemExpress Doravirine hydrothermal component on the chemical composition of the sediment. Thus, the IC7 scores reflect the relative influence of the hydrothermal component and other dilutive components such as biogenic carbonate at each site. Despite vigorous present-day hydrothermal activity35, the sediments nearScientific RepoRts | 6:29603 | DOI: 10.1038/srepwww.nature.com/scientificreports/Figure 4. Average shale-normalised REY patterns of representative samples. PAAS38 was employed as the average shale. (a ) correspond to high-IC1 samples, and (g ) are high-IC4 samples. The REY patterns of biogenic Ca-phosphate in REY-rich mud25 and those in living marine vertebrates23,39, hydrogenous Fe n oxides33,60, and deep-sea water in the western South Pacific Ocean57 and northeastern Indian Ocean58 are shown in (m) for comparison.the East Pacific Rise (EPR) in the eastern South Pacific showed relatively low IC7 scores (e.g. Sites 598?02; Fig. 3f). This is attributed to the significant dilution of the hydrothermal component by biogenic carbonate owing to water depth shallower than the CCD19. The water depth became greater than the CCD with time owing to plate migration, which resulted in a decreased dilution effect by the biogenic carbonate and increased relative influence of the hydrothermal component. This effect appears to be reflected in the increase of IC7 signals during the last 15 Myr at DSDP Sites 75 and 597 (Fig. 3f). It is noteworthy that the hydrothermal component reaches these sites located >2,000 km west of the EPR, which is consistent with data from the GEOTRACES cruise showing lateral westward transport of hydrothermal dissolved Fe and Mn several thousand kilometres from the present southern EPR36. The strongest IC7 signal during the Cenozoic appeared in the eastern North Pacific (Sites 37?9 and 1215; Fig. 3f). In contrast to the southern E.N in (f). These maps were created by using the Generic Mapping Tools software (https://www.soest.hawaii.edu/gmt/), Version 4.5.8 59, and GPlates software30,31 (http://www.gplates.org), Version 1.2.0.(REY + Ce = 400?,000 ppm) near the seafloor surface2 and the zones of greatest economic interest regarding ferromanganese crusts and nodules, including the central Pacific prime crust zone and Clarion lipperton Zone, respectively33. This finding supports the interpretation of IC1 as having enrichment in both biogenic Ca-phosphate and the hydrogenous component. Moreover, these high-IC1 areas overlap regions where O2 penetration may occur throughout the sediment column34. This implies that a sustained condition of higher redox potential might prevent diagenetic processes that release and remigrate Ce through decomposition of hydrogenous Mn oxides to maintain the intense IC1 signal throughout geologic time. The strongest IC4 intensities, 9?0, were observed at DSDP Sites 597 and 74 in the eastern South Pacific (Fig. 3c). The deeper portion of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 800 and 801 in the western North Pacific at present also showed high IC4 scores of 5?, which plotted in the central North Pacific according to plate motion. When moderate values of 1? were included, IC4 effectively mimicked the distribution of REY-rich mud near the seafloor surface2 despite the fact that Fig. 3c is a synthetic image of different time slices during the Cenozoic. This suggests that the spatial distribution of the REY-controlling factor shown as IC4 did not change significantly throughout the Cenozoic. IC7 indicates the influence of the hydrothermal component on the chemical composition of the sediment. Thus, the IC7 scores reflect the relative influence of the hydrothermal component and other dilutive components such as biogenic carbonate at each site. Despite vigorous present-day hydrothermal activity35, the sediments nearScientific RepoRts | 6:29603 | DOI: 10.1038/srepwww.nature.com/scientificreports/Figure 4. Average shale-normalised REY patterns of representative samples. PAAS38 was employed as the average shale. (a ) correspond to high-IC1 samples, and (g ) are high-IC4 samples. The REY patterns of biogenic Ca-phosphate in REY-rich mud25 and those in living marine vertebrates23,39, hydrogenous Fe n oxides33,60, and deep-sea water in the western South Pacific Ocean57 and northeastern Indian Ocean58 are shown in (m) for comparison.the East Pacific Rise (EPR) in the eastern South Pacific showed relatively low IC7 scores (e.g. Sites 598?02; Fig. 3f). This is attributed to the significant dilution of the hydrothermal component by biogenic carbonate owing to water depth shallower than the CCD19. The water depth became greater than the CCD with time owing to plate migration, which resulted in a decreased dilution effect by the biogenic carbonate and increased relative influence of the hydrothermal component. This effect appears to be reflected in the increase of IC7 signals during the last 15 Myr at DSDP Sites 75 and 597 (Fig. 3f). It is noteworthy that the hydrothermal component reaches these sites located >2,000 km west of the EPR, which is consistent with data from the GEOTRACES cruise showing lateral westward transport of hydrothermal dissolved Fe and Mn several thousand kilometres from the present southern EPR36. The strongest IC7 signal during the Cenozoic appeared in the eastern North Pacific (Sites 37?9 and 1215; Fig. 3f). In contrast to the southern E.

By mPEGS 1