Ne or in combination trial 18233230. J Clin Oncol 2008, 26:1051-7. 7. Reid DM
Ne or in combination trial 18233230. J Clin Oncol 2008, 26:1051-7. 7. Reid DM, Doughty J, Eastell R, Reid DM, Doughty J, Heys SD, Howell A, McCloskey EV, Powles T, Selby P, Coleman RE: Guidelines for the management of breast cancer treatment induced bone loss: a consensus position statement from a UK expert group. Cancer Treat Rev 2008, , 34: Suppl 1:s3-18. 8. Cummings SR, Ettinger B, Delmas PD, Kenemans P, Stathopoulos V, Verweij P, Mol-Arts M, Kloosterboer L, Mosca L, Christiansen C, Bilezikian J, Kerzberg EM, Johnson S, Zanchetta J, Grobbee DE, Seifert W, Eastell R, LIFT Trial Investigators: The effects of tibolone in older postmenopausal women. N Engl J Med 2008, 359:697-708.Additional materialAdditional file 1: Summary statistics of the bone mineral WP1066 web density in the lumbar spine and total hip at baseline including PubMed ID: change and percentage change from baseline. Table showing the summary statistics of bone mineral density (BMD) change with tibolone or placebo from baseline at the lumbar spine and hip. This represents the raw data from Figure 2 and Additional file 2 Table S2. Analysis for breast cancer recurrence restricted subjects with any BMD assessment with a Proportional Hazard Cox model for Treatment and Osteopenia as timedependent factors, with BMI as covariate. Additional file 2: Analysis of variance table for BC recurrence restricted to subjects with any bone mineral density (BMD) assessment by using a proportional hazard Cox model with Treatment and Osteopenia (defined as T-score -1) as timedependent factors and BMI as covariate. This analysis groups osteopenic and osteoporotic patients together, as approximately 50 of patients had normal BMD, and uses a covariate to correct for changes in BMD during the course of the first 2 years of the trial. The results indicated that tibolone and normal BMD are associated with increased breast cancer recurrence. Additional file 3: Breast cancer recurrence in the LIBERATE trial by body mass index (BMI), race, and lifestyle subgroups. The effect of tibolone on breast cancer recurrence occurred in all races, although significance was reached in only Caucasians. Low or normal BMI was associated with increased breast cancer risk with tibolone (not high BMI).Abbreviations AI: aromatase inhibitor; ANCOVA: analysis of covariance; BC: breast cancer; BMD: bone mineral density; BMI: body mass index; DXA: dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; HRQL: health-related quality of life; HRT: hormonereplacement therapy; ITT: intent-to-treat; LIBERATE: Livial Intervention Following Breast Cancer; Efficacy, Recurrence and Tolerability Endpoints; LIFT: Longterm Intervention on Fractures PubMed ID: with Tibolone; LS: lumbar spine; MORE: Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation; QA: quality assurance; QC: quality control; SNPs: single-nucleotide polymorphisms; WHO: World Health Organization. Acknowledgements The LIBERATE trial was funded by Schering-Plough (formerly NV Organon, Oss, The Netherlands). Author details 1 Department of Surgery, University of Manchester, Southmoor Road, Manchester, M23 9LT, UK. 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, VU University Medical Center, PO Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3Department of Surgery, University Malaya Medical Centre, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya, Lembah Pantai, 59100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 4Department of Surgery, Universit sklinikum Erlangen, Postfach 2306, D-91012 Erlangen, Germany. 5Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Liege, 81 bd de.

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