E: The measured previous research be indicative of predominately donor properties of FA and acceptor properties of HA made use of in this study. minimizing Lomeguatrib Purity & Documentation capacity of CHP is 0.six mmol/g which can be corroborated by other data published for coal-derived humics [39,40]. These results are within the range of values reported below equivalent circumstances for organic humics from soil (1.09 mmol/g), peat (2.29 mmol/g), and fresh water (6.5 mmol/g) [41].Agronomy 2021, 11, 2047 Agronomy 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW11 of11 of(A)(B)Figure 5. Redox capacity (A) and antioxidant antioxidant capacity (B) ofderivatives with hydroquiFigure five. Redox capacity (A) and capacity (B) of HA and FA HA and FA derivatives with hydronones (1,4-hydroquinone, 2-methyl-1,4-hydroquinone, 1,2-hydroquinone) and naphthoquinones quinones (1,4-hydroquinone, 2-methyl-1,4-hydroquinone, 1,2-hydroquinone) and naphthoquinones (1,4-naphthoquinone, 2-OH-1,4-naphthoquinone). (1,4-naphthoquinone, 2-OH-1,4-naphthoquinone).At the very same time, the naphthoquinone for the AOEdid not show substantial adjustments Trolox Similar trends had been observed derivatives values measured using a use of your in lowering capacity Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) technique (Figure 5B). The CHP-2OHNQ Equivalent as compared to the parent humic materials except for antioxidant capacity of whose reducing derivatives outcompeted those of your vital to note that, normally, are within the FA capacity dropped substantially. It is HA derivatives. The obtained trends the redoxsync withvalues reported in [5] for electron donating YB-0158 web capacities (EDCs), which accounted capacity these of the parent FA and all FA derivatives were significantly higher as compared 0.six those1.4 the parent HA and all HA derivatives (except for catechol derivfor to and of mmol(e)/g for Aldrich HA and SRFA, respectively–mmol(e)/g. They atives). This could be indicative of predominately donor properties of FAhumic and fulvic acids also corroborate nicely the findings on the antioxidant capacities of and acceptor properties of HA used in this study. determined with a use of ORAC method: the Aldrich HA was characterized having a worth of trends were observed the riverine FA and HA (SRFA and use of were characterized Similar1.07 TEAC/g, whereas for the AOE values measured with aSRHA) the Trolox with a worth of 1.22 and(TEAC) technique (Figure 5B). The antioxidant capacity of was also Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity two.07 mmol TEAC/g [42]. The related range of values reported outcompeted these from the marine DOM (0.five.0 mmol TEAC/g) [43]. the FA derivativesfor different SPE isolates of HA derivatives. The obtained trends are in As in case in [5] for electron donating capacities (EDCs), which accounted sync with these reported of decreasing capacity, the maximum AOE values were characteristic for derivatives of the strongest HA and SRFA, respectively–mmol(e)/g. the identical for 0.6 and 1.four mmol(e)/g for Aldrich donors–hydroquinone and catechol. At They alsotime, the AOE value findings around the antioxidant capacities of humic and fulvic acids decorroborate properly the of 2-methylhydroquinone derivatives of HA was drastically decrease, and the terminedlowest activity was observed the Aldrich HA of 2-OH-1,4-naphthoquinone. A threefold having a use of ORAC system: for derivatives was characterized using a worth of increase in the AOE worth of theHA (SRFA and SRHA) have been characterized with 1.07 TEAC/g, whereas the riverine FA and catechol derivatives as in comparison to the hydroquinone derivatives may be TEAC/g [42].

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